Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

We let Mommy sleep in and when she finally got up I gave her my first present. A 15 minute smile session :)
Then I got dressed up and even put a bow in my hair for her special day

We set up a backdrop for some pictures of me and Mommy

I had used up my daily quota of smiles during the morning session

We are still cute even without me smiling

I can't walk yet but I still managed to come through with a good present for Mom with a bunch of pictures of the two of us

2 Month Doctor Appt

Peacefully packed up for the ride to the doctor's office for my 2 month check up

I don't clench my fists as much as I used to when I was younger

Flying through unknown galaxies while we wait for the doctor to arrive

Mom feeds me well. I'm up to 12 pounds and 22 3/4 inches

Everything was fine until the nurse showed up with the shot basket and I showed my displeasure.