Waiting at the airport to fly to Disneyland

I'm pinned in by all the pillows on the hotel bed

Mommy was brilliant and thought to pack my jumper which made me very happy.

Our first expedition was to Route 66

Then it was off to Pasedena and the Rose Bowl. Daddy got lost and I got cranky so Mommy declared that Hollywood will have to wait until the next trip.

The next day we went to the park to ride the rides. The carousel was my first ride.

Pictures in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. Speaking of sleeping...I didn't do much of it on this trip.

Mommy's favorite ride is It's a Small World so she was excited to take me.

I was amazed at all the cool things to look at.

After a full day at Disneyland it was fun to play with my toys at the hotel while Mommy and Daddy rested from pushing me around in the stroller.

The hotel had a really great tub with a spigot that shot water everywhere when I grabbed it. I want something like this at home.

Hama flew in to spend Thanksgiving with us and she enjoyed the rides. Here we are taking a coffee break and eating beignets at Brennan's Jazz Kitchen. Hama's maiden name is Brennan.

My Disney souvenir was a new pair of Minnie Mouse sunglasses like my cousin Sophia. I have a feeling that there are more souvenirs that will show up around Christmas :)

Getting our Christmas card picture taken on the reindeer sleigh

I finally got to meet Minnie Mouse in person. I wasn't sure what to make of somebody with such a large head.

After months of drinking milk and eating pureed food I decided I wanted something to chew on so while Mommy was eating her sandwich I leaned over and took a bite. She laughed really hard.

Like I mentioned before, I didn't sleep a lot on this trip. I made Mommy and Daddy work hard before I would finally give in and close my eyes. But they still thought I was cute as I slept.

Tia drove up from Phoenix to spend Thanksgiving with us. I hadn't seen her since July and she was so impressed at how much I had grown.

Everyone else enjoyed turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, cranberries and pumpkin pie. I got squash and apple cinnamon oatmeal and a new thanksgiving bib.

Before I knew it our trip was over and it was time to leave California and head back to Houston. We'll be back again someday when I'm old enough to ride the big rides.