Reading books at the cottage

Enjoying my first experiance with snow.

Hamming it up with Grandma Smith on Christmas Eve

Unwrapping the my first present

Christmas morning at the cottage

Santa found me and delivered a lot of fun toys

I was quick to grab Daddy's new Red Wings hat and try it on

Grandma Smith and Nora help me get my new Christmas dress on

After nap #2 I am ready for another round of presents

I love my cousins Nora and Dawson.

Daddy is reading me my new Christmas book while I try on Nora's moose antlers

Grandma Smith gave me a special doll that all the other girls in our family got when they were babies.

I ran out of steam on Christmas so we opened up stockings the next morning.

The snow melted but I was still all smiles when Hama and Hapa came over for a visit before we headed back to Houston.

One of my favorite gifts is the bike trailer. Now I can go on rides with Mommy and Daddy.
Oh Quinn...I don't think there's a photo of you that didn't make your Tia smile! Tell your mom and dad thanks for lugging you all the way to Michigan for Christmas. It was everyone's favorite present, trust me!! Cant wait to see you in April!! Be sure to take an extra long nap so you will still be awake at 9 pm ok?? :) I will send some five hour energy for Ms Sara to slip in your bottle while mom and dad are gone. :)