Hapa arrives soon after Hama to hang out with me

After cleaning the garage and doing chores he would sit and keep me company

Sophia the cat and I are about the same size for now but she is still hesitant about me and all my crying.

9 days old and I have a social security number already. I got a piece of junk mail 2 days later. I wonder how long it will take to get a credit card offer :)

Dad and I enjoying some peace and quiet on the couch.

3 generations of flowers. Hama got flowers for her birthday. Mom got flowers from Grandma and Grandpa Smith and I got flowers made out of burb rags from Debbie and Ralph

If you have seen the TV show Raising Hope you will understand this joke about dropping me off at the fire station.

Back at home I love sitting with Mom and Scout. He is alwasy close by keeping an eye on me.

Celebrating St. Patrick's day and the first day of the NCAA basketball tournement on the deck at the local sports bar. It was not a good showing for my first MSU b-ball game.

Cleaning up after a night on the town celebrating St. Patricks Day. I am a quarter Irish and Mom could finally drink!

High five to Buc-ee Beaver! My first road trip turned into a great outing as we stopped at Buc-ees which is the greatest gas station chain in Texas.

Dad practices advanced burping technique at my newborn photo shoot. I was pretty cute and can't wait to show off my pictures.
Here we are enjoying family time. Mom feeds me while Dad updates the blog.
Yay!!! Love the photos. :) Can't wait to see the photo shoot pictures when they get back. I know she'll be DARLING!!!