Aunty A and Tia came to visit me after Hama and Hapa left. Get a good look at Tia because she was beind the camera for the rest of the pictures. Thanks for taking all these pictures of me Tia!

This joke about Lion King and Simba was lost on me since I haven't watched any Disney movies yet.

I was in good hands with Aunty A holding and kissing me

Tia took a lot of pictures of me and all of my fun expressions. Here I am sleeping with arms up.

A moment of peaceful sleep.

Crashed out on Mom's shoulder.

I open up my eyes a lot more.

But I still sleep most of the time. My red eye lids are starting to fade.

Everyone loves my squishy cheeks

Learning my hand signals. This is either I Love You or Hook em Horns.

I'm fast asleep in Dad's arms

We went for a walk around the lake with the Baby Bjorn and Tia and Auntie A threw the ball for Scout

After a day of walks and excitement I got my bath before bed

I really like it when they pour warm water over me

I must be doing something cute if there are so many cameras taking picture of me

Yep...I'm in a milk coma drooling on Mom's shoulder

Out for a walk with Mom and Dad looking for blue bonnets

I better get used to this shot as all kids in Texas get dragged out the blue bonnet fields in March for pictures.

This is a fun one of Scout. He has taken to drinking in order to fall asleep with all my squeeks and cries at night. He is a good dog.
Yay! She is so so cute and I love her so so much!! That was such a fun weekend. Thanks for having us Quinn! Mmmm...now I'm thinking about the amazing baked potato with brisket I ate there.